Pelvic Floor Ball Squeeze
Try this simple seated exercise: Sit up straight in a sturdy chair with your head lifted and your chin parallel to the ground, shoulders in line with your hips. Place an exercise ball (or a firm pillow if you don't have one) between your thighs. Squeeze the ball and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. For a challenge, sit up without leaning back against the chair. These exercise will help strengthen the inner thighs and the abdominal muscles, which intertwine with those pelvic floor muscles and can contribute to better bladder control.
Elevator Lunge
Begin with one leg in front of the other and inhale as you dip down into a lunge position, engaging your pelvic floor muscles as you exhale. Inhale, maintaining that muscle tightness, and with each exhale, amplify the contraction. This exercise is effective for enhancing pelvic floor strength and stability. Continue until you've completed 5 contractions, then exhale as you return to a standing position. Be sure to repeat this routine on both legs for well-rounded muscle development and improved overall fitness. Strengthen your pelvic floor for better stability, balance, and overall health.
Pelvic Floor Activators
Sitting on a sturdy chair, engage in this beneficial seated workout. Secure a resistance band around your thighs while pressing your knees apart and bringing them back together, activating your inner thigh and glute muscles. Strive for 3 sets of 20 reps with a 10-second break, repeating this routine 5 times weekly. For those without a resistance band, pantyhose can serve as an accessible alternative for added resistance during this exercise. Enhance lower body strength and tone with this convenient seated exercise.